Explore how GALLIPRO FIT can be your trusted partner for antibiotic reduction.1
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*Based on a blinded study of 1.8 million birds where better overall health, antibiotic reduction and better final performance were observed in the GALLIPRO® FIT group compared with the control group (30.5% antibiotic use and 3.88% average mortality in the GALLIPRO® FIT group versus 41.2% and 4.27% in the control group, respectively).1
1. Bostvironnois, et al. (2021) Triple-strain Bacillus-based GALLIPRO® FIT helps to reduce the use of antibiotics in broilers _TB_web_CH mar 21;
GALLIPRO® FIT, a product of Chr Hansen, distributed by Elanco Animal Health. Elanco™ and the diagonal bar are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates.