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The MyElanco website is intended for Veterinary professionals, SQPs / RAMAs and Professional Keepers of Animals. By continuing to MyElanco you are confirming your professional status as one of the above.

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Support Materials

Find our more about Elanco products and support tools for pig producers.

PWD control

Coliprotec for PWD in piglets


Find out more about how Coliprotec™ live oral vaccine protects piglets against Post-Weaning Diarrhoea (PWD) caused by F4-F18 ETEC.

UK diagnostic testing

Vaccination could be an option for PWD control in a high proportion of herds

UK diagnostic testing data has indicated that vaccinating with Coliprotec to prevent post-weaning diarrhoea (PWD) in piglets, could be an effective strategy in nearly 60 percent of herds. 

Dave Hodson

How in-water vaccination could be valuable for pig farmers

In-water vaccination is still regarded as quite a novel technique in pig production. However, more producers are considering how medicines delivered through drinking water could save them time and money. 

Optimising herd potential

Prevent the damaging effects of beta mannans with Hemicell XT

Beta mannans are costing you money

Don't feed the problem! Find out more about how Hemicell XT prevents the damaging effects of beta mannans.

Coccidiosis control

Baycox Iron Brochure Thumbnail

Baycox™ Iron

Prevent the clinical signs of coccidiosis in piglets with Baycox Iron

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