CPD for Poultry Professionals
CPD to refresh and expand your knowledge on challenges facing poultry and management solutions.

Coccidia Life Cycle plus Maxiban & Monteban Mode of Action
Allows you to understand the life cycle of a cocci parasite and how the mode of action of Elanco’s Potentiated Ionophores insures stable and continuous coccidial population control (15 minutes).

Coccidiosis Academy
Learn about monitoring coccidiosis; control of coccidiosis; basic biology of coccidia species; and coccidia in broilers (1 hour 20 minutes).

Coccidia Life Cycle plus Maxiban & Monteban Mode of Action
Allows you to understand the life cycle of a cocci parasite and how the mode of action of Elanco’s Potentiated Ionophores insures stable and continuous coccidial population control (15 minutes).

Coccidiosis Academy
Learn about monitoring coccidiosis; control of coccidiosis; basic biology of coccidia species; and coccidia in broilers (1 hour 20 minutes).

Coccidia Life Cycle plus Maxiban & Monteban Mode of Action
Allows you to understand the life cycle of a cocci parasite and how the mode of action of Elanco’s Potentiated Ionophores insures stable and continuous coccidial population control (15 minutes).

Coccidiosis Academy
Learn about monitoring coccidiosis; control of coccidiosis; basic biology of coccidia species; and coccidia in broilers (1 hour 20 minutes).
(AMTRA Accredited)
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For product related technical queries, contact the Elanco Vets team:
Telephone: 01256 353131, selecting option 1 for technical services
Email: ElancoVets@elanco.com*
*please note this inbox will be checked during the next business day. If you require an urgent response to a product-use query, suspected adverse event or quality complaint regarding an Elanco product, please call 01256 353131 choosing option 1 for technical services. Outside of office hours, your call will be forwarded to our medical answer service and an Elanco representative will call you back. Thank you for your understanding.