Flubenvet remains the only dewormer licensed for the control of ALL the life stages of ALL the main species of parasitic worms1. This is critical for effective control because worm eggs far outnumber adults and can survive in the environment for months or, in some instances, over a year. Worm eggs are also able to resist destruction by many commonly used farm disinfectants. This means viable eggs can still be present in cleaned poultry houses and on ranges between flocks. Therefore, when talking about worm infestations, it is always better to control the problem before it is visible. Especially as worm damage within the birds can occur prior to any clinical symptoms being observed, which will reduce bird performance. Young pullets are very susceptible to worm infections and it is very important to worm before transfer to production. Roundworm (Ascaridia galli) and especially hairworm (Capillaria spp) infections will cause depressed growth and undermine the general health status of the flocks.
Flubenvet’s performance spectrum vs available alternatives
Once a flock is infected, the entire environment will be heavily contaminated with worm eggs. A good preventative deworming programme should be a standard management procedure on any poultry facility where birds are in contact with litter. Flubenvet’s active ingredient, flubendazole, simultaneously enters the worm through the mouth and skin or cuticle. It acts by binding to tubulin, the dimeric sub-unit protein of the microtubules. Flubendazole inhibits microtubular assembly in absorptive cells and causes an irreversible lytic degeneration of the cell, killing the parasite. Larval growth in developing worm eggs is also inhibited. Immature, fast-developing worms are particularly sensitive to flubendazole’s mode of action. Uniquely, Flubenvet is active against worm larvae and eggs. This means that immature worms are killed straight away, as well as any worm eggs that may be picked up preventing early damage, rather than being allowed to progress to adulthood, causing further damage as they progress through the mature stages.
- Flubenvet 5% SPC.
- Elanco Market Research Flubenvet Lifecycle Study UK 2021.