Optimising Salmonella vaccine application via drinking water is critical to successfully protect poultry flocks. 

Water quality and water distribution are often overlooked and may play a major part in failed Salmonella vaccine responses.

AviBlue™ protects 'in water' vaccines such as AviPro Salmonella Duo™ during the vulnerable period of administration. It contains a combination of neutralising agents that buffer the effects of contaminants found in both tap and bore-hole water.

Why use AviBlue for poultry vaccines?

When most live vaccines are added to drinking water, the antigen count (or titre) can gradually decrease, affecting the vaccine's potency. This reduction is often due to poor water quality. Water containing chlorine, heavy metals, acidifiers or disinfectants can significantly lower the survival rate of the micro-organism in suspension1

For poultry producers striving to achieve effective Salmonella prevention, AviBlue stabilises the vaccine in drinking water, ensuring a consistent dose reaches each bird. 

Unlike standard dyes, AviBlue is specifically formulated to protect the vaccine during administration, helping to control Salmonella in poultry and supporting a healthier flock.

Most live vaccines are re-suspended into drinking water, the antigen count (titre) may inevitably reduce over time. This is due to the natural survival rate of the micro-organism in water suspension. The survival rate of the antigen is radically reduced in water of sub-optimal quality1.

Visible protection for poultry flocks

» Stabilises the water when applying vaccines such as AviPro Salmonella Duo via drinking water

» Protects poultry vaccine efficacy in sub-optimal water conditions

» Visualises water flow in the drinker line

» Has resealable packaging with a measuring cap, for reduced wastage

When using AviBlue to protect the effectiveness of poultry vaccines, it is important to use the correct amount.

General guidelines on water requirements per bird

General Guidelines on water requirements per bird

How many AviBlue caps to use for your total volume? (for a dose rate of 2%)

Dose rate of AviBlue in water

General guidelines on daily water intake for commercial chicks

General guidelines on daily water intake for commercial chicks

1. Dye Trial 2009-1. Lab no: 09-2473. Elanco data on file.