The challenges of coccidiosis in poultry
Poultry coccidiosis is a constant and costly threat that:
> Different parasite species = peaks at different bird ages
> Late outbreaks can occur due to poor immunity
> A ubiquitous parasite
> Can survive in the environment for long periods2
> Broiler feed conversion rate (FCR): up to 10%3
> Weight gain: up to 7%3
> Intestinal Integrity (I2) scores4
> Mortality5
> Disease rates6-9
The impact of poor poultry coccidiosis control
costs up to £125.5 million in the UK and
£13 billion per annum worldwide10
Coccidiosis in poultry alone costs 4p per bird
due to the negative impact on Intestinal Integrity,
including broiler feed conversion ratios. Its association
with necrotic enteritis increases this to 7.8p per bird11,12
Don’t let poultry coccidiosis fly under the radar
Monitoring Intestinal Integrity scores via HTSi makes sure that poultry coccidiosis
is not quietly impacting the productivity of a flock over time.
Consistent and effective management of coccidiosis in poultry has big benefits, it can:
Want to achieve stable & continuous coccidiosis control?
Using Maxiban™ in combination with Monteban™ provides:
Lower labour requirements
Stable coccidial population control
- FCR improvements of 5.4616
- Stable intestinal integrity (I2) scores17
- Over 20 years of successful coccidiosis control for
poultry producers worldwide
Adding another layer of protection
Learn how the active ingredients in Maxiban and Monteban effectively control coccidiosis
the ionophore of choice
Narasin is significantly more effective at reducing intestinal lesions than monensin, when administered at the same dose rate8
When potentiated with nicarbazin, narasin is more potent than monensin when included at equal rates23
Narasin = 71%
of original inclusion rate
Monensin = 42%
of original inclusion rate
Unlike other ionophores, narasin has a positive effect on feed intake, growth and FCR18-20
Maxiban has been shown to outperform a similar monensin/nicarbazin programme21
- more feed efficacy
- more growth
- more breast meat
Uniquely among the ionophores, Narasin has a significant impact on reducing gizzard erosion24
Achieve continuous and stable coccidiosis control
by using Maxiban and Monteban continuously
No anorexic effect,
bird maintain feeds
Allows bird immunity to
develop, while still effectively
controlling disease
Using Maxiban for at least another 7 days past the peak coccidial challenge
improved FCR by up to 0.23 pts per day of extension22
➡ outperforming all other ionophore programmes
Maxiban and Monteban have been helping poultry producers
achieve effective coccidiosis control for over 20 years.
But what about other coccidiosis solutions?
- McDougald, L. 2003. “Parasitic Diseases: Coccidiosis.” Diseases of Poultry. 11th ed.:974-985
- López-Osorio S, et al. (2020) Overview of Poultry Eimeria Life Cycle and Host-Parasite Interactions. Front. Vet. Sci., 03 July. Sec. Veterinary Infectious Diseases
- Marusich, W. et al. (1972). “Effect of coccidiosis on pigmentation in broilers.” Br. Poultry. Sci. 13:577-585
- Elanco HTSi data
- Watkins KL, et al. (2017). Observational analysis of broiler production and health data collected during the transition to a raised without antibiotic program. Poult. Sci. 96 (Suppl. 1)
- Lanckriet A, et al. (2010). The effect of commonly used anticoccidials and antibiotics in a subclinical necrotic enteritis model. Avian Pathol. Feb;39(1):63-8
- Clave H et al Sci Tech Avicoles 2004
- Ruff, MD, et al. (1980) Anticoccidial activity of Narasin in broiler chickens reared in floor pens. Poultry Sci; 59:2008-2013
- HTSi Data EMEA region 2010-2016
- Blake DP et al. (2020). Re-calculating the cost of coccidiosis in chickens
- Kadykalo, S. “The value of anticoccidials for sustainable global poultry production.” 2017. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. 1-7
- Williams, R. 1999. “A compartmentalized model for the estimation of the cost of coccidiosis to the World’s chicken production industry”. Int Journ.for Parasitoloty. 29(8):1209-1229
- Saggiorato et al., - Can we predict early performance of a broiler flock? Experience from Clostridium Firstest – XIIIth European Poultry Conference – Tours, 2010
- Salois M, Heskett E. (2017). Raised without antibiotics can lead to more use of medically important antibiotics, unpublished.
- Lanckriet A, Timbermont L, De Gussem M, Marien M, Vancraeynest D, Haesebrouck F, Ducatelle R, Van Immerseel F. The effect of commonly used anticoccidials and antibiotics in a subclinical necrotic enteritis model. Avian Pathol. 2010 Feb;39(1):63-8
- For a company producing 100 million birds per year on a full Maxiban™ and Monteban™ programme compared to a Monensin/Nicarbazin and Salinomycin programme for 3 crops of the year. Elanco data on file REF-22071
- Elanco, 2018: HTSi UK Data 2015-2018 / Performance data 2014-2018 – Tom Hepburn – EKS Specialist
- Weppelman, R. et al. Comparison of Anticoccidial Ecacy, Resistance and Tolerance of Narasin, Monensin and Lasalocid in Chicken Battery Trials. 1977. Poultry Sci; 56.5:1550-59 5.
- Metzler,M. et al. “Eects of Monensin Feeding and Withdrawal Time on Growth and Carcass Composition in Broiler Chickens.” 1987. Poultry Sci; 66.9:1451-58 6.
- Harms, R. and Buresh R. “Influence of Salinomycin on the Performance of Broiler Chicks.”1987. Poultry Sci; 66: 51
- Elanco Animal Health Study ELA1900304 2019. Data on file
- FVEx data on file – 2011-2019
- Elanco data on file
- Kaldhusdal, M. et al 2012 “Non-soluble fibres and narasin reduce spontaneous gizzard erosion and ulceration in broiler chickens” Avian Pathology 41(2), 227-234