Avoid these pesky Cocci parasites for Prizes!
The coccidia are teaming up and threatening to cause instability within your broiler flock.
Your mission?
Use MaxibanTM in combination with MontebanTM to achieve stable and continuous coccidiosis control.
Catch the solutions, and avoid the diseases, as they drop to tackle the coccidia, earn points and keep your birds healthy. Plus, grab the added benefits of MaxibanTM and MontebanTM — improved weight gain, feed conversion and Intestinal Integrity1–3 — to earn bonus points.
The highest scorer at the end of each quarter will receive a £50 Amazon.co.uk Gift Card*
The leader board will reset every quarter, so check back in regularly and play again to win!
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Learn more about stabilising your cocci control

Challenges of coccidiosis in poultry
Poultry coccidiosis is a constant and costly threat. Learn about the challenges to your flock here.

HTSi Annual Report
See the latest data from across 90% of the UK market, including coccidiosis peaks, Intestinal Integrity (I2) trends and locomotor health.

Want to achieve stable & continuous coccidiosis control?
Download our Infographic to learn how.
*Terms and conditions apply
- EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP); Bampidis V et al. Modification fo the terms of authorisation regarding the maximum inclusion level of Maxiban™ G160 (narason and nicarbazin) for chickens for fattening. EFSA J. 2019 Aug 8;17(8):e05786
- Dykstra D and Reid W "Monensin, Eimeria tenella infection and effects on the bacterial population of gnotobiotic chickens" Poultry Sci 1978:57;398-402
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- Campos PM, et al. “Effects of Eimeria acervuline infection on the luminal and mucosal microbiota of the duodenum and jejunum in broiler chickens.” Front. Microbiol. 2023:14;1147579.
- Alam MZ, et al. “Phylogenetic analysis of Eimeria tenella isolated from the litter of different chicken farms in Mymensingh, Bangladesh.” VetMed Sci. 2022;8:1563–1569.
- Elanco data on file REF-22071.
- Ruff, MD, et al. “Anticoccidial activity of Narasin in broiler chickens reared in floor pens.” Poultry Sci. 1980:59;2008–2013.
- Weppelman R, et al. “Comparison of Anticoccidial Efficacy, Resistance and Tolerance of Narasin, Monensin and Lasalocid in Chicken Battery Trials.” Poultry Sci. 1977;56(5)1550–1595.
- Metzler M, et al. “Effects of Monensin Feeding and Withdrawal Time on Growth and Carcass Composition in Broiler Chickens.” Poultry Sci. 1987:66(9)1451–1458.
- Harms R and Buresh R. “Influence of Salinomycin on the Performance of Broiler Chicks.” Poultry Sci. 1987:66;51.
- Elanco Animal Health Study ELA1900304 2019: Data on file.
- Hepburn T, Elanco Knowledge Solutions 2018