Introducing MyPet Persona!
Introducing MyPet Persona!
A simple pre-appointment, owner-friendly parasite-risk profiling tool developed by Elanco as part of our Healthy Purpose commitment to make responsible parasiticide prescribing easier.
MyPet Persona
The tool allows vets to offer owners personalised advice on parasite protection that matches their pet’s behaviours and lifestyle, and best protect the people in their household - helping make the best use of clinical time.
A simple pre-appointment, owner-friendly tool
Helps to identify cat or dog parasite risk profiles in under 1 minute
Allows you to offer advice on parasite protection tailored to the individual pet’s behaviours and lifestyle
MyPet Persona has been co-developed with specialist and first-opinion UK vets and is aligned with both the BVA and BSAVA position on responsible use,1 ESCCAP guidelines2,3 and One Health principles. This risk checker is intended for use with pets living in the UK and Ireland so is relevant to local UK parasite risk
MyPet Persona offers a range of benefits to veterinary practices and pet owners
Benefits for Vets:
Allows vets to offer advice on parasite protection tailored to the individual pet's lifestyle
Vets can be sure that the right questions have been asked, while retaining full clinical responsibility for the prescription
Helps vets make best use of clinical time and facilitate more productive parasite conversations in consult
Benefits for Practices:
A more personalised service helps owners better understand the value of their consultation
Provides more touchpoints for owner education on the need for parasite control and health plans
Flexible to fit with your practice parasite pressures, and can be branded for your practice
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Expert Insights on Responsible Prescription of Parasiticides
Learn more about how you can influence the future of parasite control. Vets and nurses.
Hear The Experts
Expert speaker introductions; learn more about the data, implications for practice and tools you can use to support responsible prescribing of parasiticides
Introducing MyPet Persona
Elanco’s Wesley Power introduces the MyPet Persona tool, how it works, the benefits it can confer on practices and the need to foster more informed and responsible parasiticide prescribing across the UK