CPD on dogs for Pet Health professionals

CPD to refresh and expand your knowledge, through on-demand webinars for vets and vet nurses and AMTRA-accredited CPD for RAMAs

Parasites: Ticks and Fleas

Elanco products for dogs and cats

AMTRA Accredited CPD Modules: 4 - Pet Health

Visit our RAMA Knowledge Hub to gain access to webinars, case studies and toolkits, as well as all our AMTRA accredited pet health modules, which can be completed for CPD points.

Parasites: Worms and Lungworm

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The Truth About Tapeworm

Renowned parasitologist Ian Wright answers frequently asked questions about deworming frequency to encourage pet owners to seek veterinary worming advice.

Otitis Externa

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Neptra CPD: Managing Otitis Externa

Dr Susan Paterson MA VetMB DVD DipECVD FRCVS, RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology, talks about managing otitis externa.

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Expert Insights on Otitis Externa and Using Neptra

Kathryn Cuddy gives her expert opinion on otitis externa (OE) treatment and how Neptra has been a game changer for dogs, pet owners and vets like her in the clinic.​


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Galliprant and Canine OA

Access our extensive range of free resources on canine osteoarthritis and Galliprant, including webinars, news and expert insights.

The Onsior CPD

Onsior CPD

Learn exactly how Onsior targets and helps relieve pain.

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