Welcome to MyElanco!

The MyElanco website is intended for Veterinary professionals, RAMAs and Professional Keepers of Animals. By continuing to MyElanco you are confirming your professional status as one of the above.

Pet owners please visit our website MyPetandI.

Client Messaging; Available Services & Support for Customers

Need to Update Clients about a change in how they access services and / or medicines? These messaging service providers facilitate fast and easy communications to keep clients reassured and informed.

Our Territory Managers can advise you how to access these platforms and adapt the functionality they offer to suit the current environment. We even have some recommended messages you can copy and use.


Provide an SMS text messaging service to facilitate fast and easy delivery of promotional and informational communications to all your customers

  • Ideal for sending 'one off' alerts (such as changes to consulting arrangements during the Covid-19 crisis) and promotional messages to large groups
  • Additional information can be built in to a connected mobile web page; bespoke to each broadcast
  • Conduct bespoke Smart Surveys to gather feedback from your client-base
  • Fully serviced; VetsTxT operatives will help you extract the right data from your practice management system, build the communication & execute the broadcast

Click here to see an example typical of broadcasts recently executed on behalf of veterinary practices

Find out more? Contact your Elanco Territory Manager

Use medicines responsibly(UK)
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