Close the gap with Milbemax

At least 65% of dogs could be at risk of tapeworm. Milbemax provides protection against all the ‘Big 3’ worms in the UK, tapeworm, roundworm and lungworm, as well as eyeworm and heartworm that your client’s pets could pick up while travelling.

Milbemax treats the big 3 worms in dogs and cats

Watch the video

How Milbemax works

Milbemax kills the worms, interrupting their natural life cycle before it can be completed.

Milbemax breaks the worm life cycle

The Elanco Portfolio

A complete range of trusted parasite treatments

Pets and owners have different lifestyles, which affects their needs and preferences for parasite products. Elanco’s trusted range makes it easy for you to offer your clients a solution that is right for them.

Elanco offers a parasite treatment for every lifestyle with the option of tablets, collars or spot-ons. By partnering with Elanco, you can choose the most convenient solutions to best suit your clients and their pets.

Discover more by exploring this site and taking time to speak with your Elanco Territory manager to find out how Elanco can support your business.

View our full Parasitology Protection Lifestyle Range brochure (pdf)

Elanco parasite portfolio wheel

Useful Milbemax Materials

Milbemax Chewable Tablets for Dogs and small dogs

Milbemax™ tablets for cats and dogs

Milbemax combines the active ingredients milbemycin oxime and praziquantel to effectively control a wide array of nematodes and cestodes.

Milbemax Social Media Toolkit

Social Media Posts for Pet Owners

Pre-written posts for your social media to remind pet owners of the risk of worms!

Protect pets from unseen dangers

Milbemax Brochure for Vets

Provides information on Milbemax, the ESCCAP guidelines and the need for worming. (pdf)

  1. Pennelegion C et al. Parasit Vect 2020 13:218