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The MyElanco website is intended for Veterinary professionals, SQPs / RAMAs and Professional Keepers of Animals. By continuing to MyElanco you are confirming your professional status as one of the above.

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Galliprant, the #1 piprant can be used to detect and treat pain at the start of a dog's OA journey.1-3

Osteoarthritis has traditionally been thought of a disease of older dogs, with the average age of OA diagnosis being 10.5 years.4

38% of dogs over 1 year of age live with OA

of dogs over 1-year of age live with OA3

The first comprehensive, prospective OA evaluation study in younger dogs showed5:

123 dogs from single, first opinion/primary care enrolled from 8 months to 4 years of age and ≥3.6 kg body weight.

Uncontrolled pain starts the cycle of decline for dogs with OA6

Treating OA pain at earlier stages can improve the long-term outlook for most dogs.6 And recognition of subtle changes in a dog's discomfort, including changes in gait, mobility, energy and behaviour is key for early OA detection.3

Pain management must be part of the OA discussion at the time of diagnosis.7

Can you spot the signs of OA pain?

Dog thumbnail

The top 10 signs of canine pain

Can you recognise the common signs of canine pain? (2 minute video).

Dog on lead

Spot the subtle signs of pain

Can you spot the more subtle signs of pain in Jess and her friends? (2 videos: 1-2 minutes).

Dog on a lead

See the difference Galliprant can make

See the difference Galliprant can make to young dogs like Henry (1 minute video).

Infographic - Explaining pain and explaining Galliprant

Explaining pain; Explaining Galliprant

Explore top tips on how to explain both pain and Galliprant to pet owners (2 Infographics).

Galliprant Detailer

#&$! Frank's Back

Read our detail aid and learn how Galliprant can get dogs like Frank back on track.

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1. Elanco. Sales Data, March 2023. 

2. Galliprant Summary of Product Characteristics.

3. Wright A, et al. J Small Anim Pract2022;63:609–618.

4. Anderson KL, et al. Sci Rep 2018;8:5641.

5. Enomoto M, et al. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):2827.

6. Cachon T, et al. Vet J 2018;235:1–8.

7. Canine Arthritis Resources and Education. How do NSAIDs work and how do they help my dog feel better? Available at: https://caninearthritis.org/article/nsaids-pain-management/ [Accessed December 2024].

8. Pye C, et al. J Small Anim Pract2022;63:721–738.

9.Kirkby Shaw K. Oral presentation. American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Forum, 3–6 June 2015, Indianapolis IN, USA.